Loctite 121078 - Urethane methacrylate retaining compound

Price £236.05 (exc VAT) Each — £283.26 (incl VAT)
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Stock Code 121078X250ML LOC
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LOCTITE 121078 is a green retaining compound whose higher viscosity makes it a good choice where the max. diametrical clearance is 0.25 mm. It is a high strength product for applications that require a permanent bond and good temperature resistance. Fixture time on steel is up to 3 min and service temperature from -55°C to + 175°C. Fluoresces for presence monitoring.

* single component product, requires no mixing
* high strength for permanent bonds
* suitable for gap filling
* good temperature resistance
* fluoresces for presence monitoring


Chemical BasisMethacrylate
Working Life40 min
Activator / Mic Ratio by Volume (A:B)1:1
Max. Gap Size (Max. Diametrical Clearance)0.25 mm
Fixture Time180 min
Service Temperature Range-55° to +175°C
Viscosity3,000 - 5,000 mPa-s
Tensile Shear Strength>20 N/mm?
Fixture time steel3 min
Shear Strength N/mm1.3
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