Kluber Silvertex W 68 Canister Plastic 20Ltr

Price £700.67 (exc VAT) Each — £840.8 (incl VAT)
AvailabilityContact us for lead time
Stock Code 035502-0766 KLU
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In the knitting industry, requirements in terms of consistent product quality, compatibility of materials, wear protection and scourability are becoming more and more stringent. We therefore developed the Kluber Silvertex oils, which are manufactured in consistent quality using special mineral base oils and additives. These oils are biodegradable according to OECD - 301 c. They reduce wear and deposits on stitch-forming elements, thus ensuring long and trouble-free operation of knitting machines, while at the same time reducing operating costs.
Kluber Silvertex oils are scourable using customary washing liquors.

Benefits for your application
Comply with the legal requirements set forth in EU Directive 2003/53/EC for placing NP/NPE-containing products on the market
Long service life of stitch-forming elements due to good wear protection and damping effect
Compatible with electronic control systems, elastane fibres and commonly used sealing materials and plastics due to the special base oils and additives
Higher economical efficiency of knitting machines due to reduced downtime
Reduction of operating costs due to extended maintenance intervals


DescriptionThese oils are biodegradable according to OECD - 301 c.
SizeCanister Plastic 20Ltr
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